Yep, I haven't written an entry for quite some time
now; the reason being that I put a network card in the computer at
the request of the family (so my sisters could be connected to the
one downstairs and have internet up there) and then the internet
stopped working. I tried a bunch of stuff and called technical
support, and even took out the network card but nothing worked. Only
option left was to wipe everything clean from the computer and
install everything again. Before we did that, I needed to back up
stuff, so we needed a CD burner (ours broke) so my dad got one that
also reads DVDs which was cool. Since we were starting with a blank
hard drive, I decided now would be a good time to buy a new, larger
hard drive (ours being 6.5 gb) and so my dad got a 60 gb one! I
backed up all the irreplaceable stuff onto CDs and then put in the
new hard drive, and everything worked fine until... I let the
computer sit. I discovered that the computer works fine unless I let
it sit for a while and then go back to it, it freezes
up... every time. After lots of troubleshooting, I found it was the
new hard drive. Well I finally found out from Butch (Andrea's
friend, Tabatha's, dad) that it was some settings with the video card
that was messing it up. Well okay, if he says so, it didn't really
make sense to me but he said he had a similar problem once and it
was because of that. So I changed the settings and it works fine
now. Yay!
Anyway, during all that lovely stuff Christmas, my birthday, and
New Year's came and went. In a summary:
Christmas at Wal-Mart was freaking crazy! Most of the time I was
trying my hardest just to keep the carts inside half full! And if a
carry-out dared to come my way, that would put me behind in carts
even more. I went through many gloves that all got soaked through
and finally got a pair that was actually waterproof and they work
For Christmas I got a pair of SpongeBob SquarePants boxers, a
pair of fire boxers, a fire CD zipper case, a Lord of the Rings
chess set (very cool), Christmas socks (to be funny), and the game
"Kingdom Hearts" which is very, very cool. It has Final Fantasy
characters as well as Disney characters in it, and you go to
different worlds and basically try to stop the "heartless" who are
controlled by Maleficent (villain on "Sleeping Beauty"). So far I've
had to fight the cards from "Alice in Wonderland", the Cerberus from
"Hercules", Squall Leonheart from "Final Fantasy 8", Cloud Strife
from "Final Fantasy 7", Clayton from "Tarzan", Jafar from "Aladdin",
and Ursula from "The Little Mermaid". She was hard. I bought a cool
game called "Soul Reaver 2" and it's this undead guy named Raziel and
your life drains slowly but constantly while you're in the physical
world and the only way to replenish it is to kill someone and suck
in their soul. If you die you go into the spiritual world, but you
can go back to the material world once you're healed. It has nice
voice overs and some very difficult puzzles but not too hard. The
only thing that made it rated "M" is the blood and gore, but that's
perfectly fine with me. Raziel looks like a super Vincent Valentine,
I sent Kelli all 4 of the available volumes of the manga "Planet
Ladder" for Christmas. When I called her up (since my internet
wasn't working) she asked how I found the 4th one and said I was
crazy for spending $40 on her, especially when she couldn't afford
to get me anything. Well, regardless of what she said or didn't say,
I think she liked it, since it's one of her favorite mangas and all.
I've become fast friends with Melissa in the men's department. I
would never really say anything to her, and she wouldn't talk to me.
We just worked at the same place. Then suddenly she started talking
to me as if we were moderate friends and it just went from there.
Now I've gotten a ride home from her 3 times. It helps that she
lives in Junction City, though she is engaged. I would ask Carly
more often, but even though she said it doesn't annoy her when I ask
her to, I always feel like a nuisance around her, like I'm the one
doing all the talking and I'm the one who says we should go do
something. If I left it up to her, I don't expect she would suggest
anything like she used to. She used to asked when my days off were
and ask me to call her. Now I feel like she does things with me only
because I ask. But she's been hanging around Nick a lot more lately
from what I can tell, and I think they like each other. She calls his
department from the break room to tell him she's on break and/or for him
to take a break too. She told me she wasn't taking a lunch one day,
and then on break I see her coming back from the pizza place with
Nick. I don't really mind them being together, I just don't want her
to have to make up things to not hurt my feelings and worry about me
liking her. I think I'm just going to give her some space, not go
talk to her unless I happen to pass her while walking, and then just
a "hi". That's the sum of it I suppose. I hope I haven't left
anything out.