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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Shaking in my boots next entry: Why?

Back at work 1/10/2003
I've been a little downcast lately. You couldn't tell by seeing me or talking to me since I was happy to anyone who did, but things just aren't going well. I feel like I need someone to talk to; someone I can talk about anything with. I've tried to push that on others and use them for that but it doesn't work. They just don't understand. How could they? How could anyone? Most people are so concerned about their own problems that if they ever lend an ear, they forget about it soon after and it means nothing to them. This diary is the best thing, but it'sn't the same as telling a person. Maybe some people can be fine with just telling their diary, but not me. I need someone who understands me, and knows what I'm talking about.

Anyway, that has nothing to do with going back to work after my usual Tue-Thu off. At work there was the remains of a party in the break room. Some prying revealed that it was Alisha's going-away party since she is leaving the store and moving to a higher position at another store. Most, if not all, of the associates at our store liked her the best out of the assistant managers. A lot of people say they will miss her. She's always happy, always positive, always supportive. If she gives you a task, no matter what it is, it's practically impossible to feel unwilling to do it.

Josh was leaving, and Nolan was there, but starting his lunch. I saw Melissa, who is the person I'm "trying out" as a person to tell things to, and even though she's only driven me home thrice and we haven't been friends for very long, when I found out she was going home at 6, I told her I would take my lunch at 6 instead of 7 and we could go eat somewhere and talk. She hesitated, then told me that she'll have to see how she feels then, because she didn't feel the greatest at the time and didn't know if it would go away later.

It was pretty slow, and I wouldn't've had too much to do if it weren't for Josh. Apparently, he had taken the cart pusher and rounded up the carts starting with the garden side, and brought them in the main entrance. The result: barely any carts in the garden cart thing, and barely any carts in the garden parking lot, but lots of carts in the main cart thing, and lots of carts in the part of the parking lot by it. So there wasn't any room for any of those carts except in the garden cart thing, which was on the other side of the store. That kept me busy enough. Then Nolan came back from lunch and helped. I basically had nothing to do after that.

I saw Christina straightening up some shelves of food, and I noticed that she wasn't wearing her glasses. The way I brought up the subject was: "You know, it would be pretty sad if I said, 'There's something different about you, but I can't put my finger on it'." She didn't say anything. I finally said, "So you're not wearing glasses I see," waiting for her to respond. No response came. I walked away and then came back and asked if she was alright. She said she was. I told her that it didn't seem like she was. She told me she was just trying to focus on work. I got the feeling it wasn't just that, since she wouldn't act like that if that's all it was, but I also sensed it wasn't a good time to say more, so I let her be. I found out later from the greeter that she's wearing contacts. When 6 o'clock came around, I took my lunch and found Melissa who had just clocked out. She told me that she's really tired and the only way I could go with her anywhere would be straight to her apartment and stay there, since she's not going anywhere after that (she just moved from Junction City to a location closer to Wal-Mart, meaning I won't be able to hitch a ride from her anymore). Needless to say, the fact that I need to come back to work already answered that question. So while I walked her to her car, I brought up her boyfriend. I told her that she obviously loves him since she's engaged to him and she agreed with a tone that she didn't know what I was getting at. I said that all I've heard about him from her was things she doesn't like about him, but since she obviously likes things about him, I wanted her to tell me about those.

I saw Carly several times, and a few of those I wondered if she saw me see her, but I wasn't sure. I wonder if she thinks I'm mad at her. I hope not. I just want to give her some space and not go bug her every time I'm around the toy department, or do something silly like bump into her when I pass her.

At home, my parents and Andrea started to watch "You've Got Mail". I missed the first half from being on the computer, but I saw the last half. I've seen it before and I want to see the whole thing again. That's a great movie. It's really nice to see 2 people, even though it's fiction, having such a bond. When the movie ended I got up and said aloud, "Too bad things like that don't happen in real life." We are also borrowing "Kate & Leopold" from Ashley. I've seen that, too, and it's also a great movie, but these romance movies also remind me of my empty spot in my heart.

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dude, You've Got Mail is sooo cool. Except the whole thing where the guy decieves the girl... Anwyho, oto bad about your friend from work moving, that sucks. You want something that'll cheer you up, check out the animations from 8-bit Theater. I don't know the link right now, but I'm sure you can find it. I thinkt he funniest ones are Garland Vs. The Forest Imps and Theif vs. Thief, depending...

...on who you choose to win. Much coolness there, yeah.

Anywho dude, what was up with the email? Kinda freaky ya know, some kinda joke or something?, cause I guess maybe it would be sorta funny if I understood. yeah...

remember to SMILE for me! :)


Tootles? lol you're so weird



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