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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Adam and Carly next entry: Sucky Day

Why am I doing this? 2/1/2003
I really don't know. It's 3:01am, I just got done watching "D.O.A." which came on TV after "Enter the Dragon" was over and I decided to watch it because it looked cool in the beginning with the staggering guy walking into the police department and told them that he was murdered. Amy and Joann kept talking, which was annoying, but they finally fell asleep on the couches and I've been the only one up for a while. Right as the movie was over and the credits rolled up faster than normal, I walked directly in here and logged into my diary and started typing. I'm tired, my right eye hurts. I have 2 very stupid bumps on my tongue that have been there for days and hurt whenever I eat anything with citric acid, or anything hot or cold, like the ice cream I had while watching the movie. My boxers are dry now. They were wet when I came home because it was raining all freaking day today at work and the entire front side of my pants were wet, as well as half my shirt even though I wore the pansy jacket that I always wear when it's uncomfortably cold or wet. We got off early and I went to Carly and said, "Either you take me home, or I stay here and wait a half an hour," meaning that's how long it would take one of my parents to get here if I called them right then. She took me home. I changed out of my soaked cargo pants that were given to me from Jimmy's mother since they belonged to Jimmy's late brother. They are too long for me so I have to cuff them up 3 times on my left leg and 4 times on my right since I have my wallet in my right pocket which pulls that side down a little lower, plus I think my right leg might be a tad shorter. The only other pants I had to wear were my black khaki ones that were in the hamper but weren't dirty. I usually wear them with a black shirt, too, because if I'm going to wear black, I might as well wear all black otherwise it's a waste. The only thing wet still were my boxers and they weren't bad, so I kept them on. Now I've ran out of things to say. Bye.

P.S. Just to show how much of a freak I am, after I saved this, I turned off the computer and went upstairs to go to bed, but right as I got into bed I had to go to the bathroom and I also remembered some details I left out, so I came downstairs, turned on the computer, went to the bathroom, and added the details and this "P.S."

previous entry : Adam and Carly next entry: Sucky Day
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That PS is funny.
You're not a freak.. I've done that many many times.
! [lyrical image]



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