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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Another sucky day next entry: More sucky days

Cool stuff 2/4/2003
Since it's my weekend, nothing bad can happen, right? Well, except boredom. But I'm gonna talk about the cool stuff that happened today and yesterday.

I beat Sephiroth! (in "Kingdom Hearts") Yes, I beat him, and then I did it again, and again. Sure he's still very tough, but it's a challenge and I can do it over and over again, unlike Emerald Weapon in Final Fantasy 7. He does some cool moves and it's fun fighting him, plus he gives me mega experience points. Anyway, that was cool. We also FINALLY got the ethernet cable from Lion Computers that we need to hook the computer downstairs to Andrea's. When we do that, we can share files between them both, she can finally have internet access up in her room, and Matt and Ben can play games against each other. But the hardware part is the easy part. I spent a lot of today hooking them up and getting the software part set right, and I still don't have it set up all the way but the girls are sleeping up there so I can't do any more until tomorrow, so I'm searching the net for guides on how to set it up right, since it's more complicated to do it in Windows 98 than in, like Windows 2000 or XP. (Windows ME is just the loser of the group. When I was deciding what OS to get, I called around at a bunch of computer tech places and though some favored Win98, and some Win2k, they all agreed that WinXP was iffy and only for new systems, and WinME was horrible and not to touch it). So I hope to get it set up right with minimal frustration (yeah, like THAT'll happen). Also, tomorrow is my driving test. At 10 'til 1, I'll be showing my driving skills (good or bad) and hopefully (cross your fingers) I'll pass. Wish me luck!

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I didn't understand any of the computer stuff, but good luck!

Cate [secret.obsession]

Oh, I don't mind if you don't read my diary, just as long as you note me back.. if per chance, I note you.
I like feeling special. :).

Oh, and consider yourself added.
Yeah. Ya heard me!
You're added.
-evil grin-
! [lyrical image]



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