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  Rebel Leader  
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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Song - 'I Feel So' next entry: Yeah, whatever

Thoughts 3/11/2003
Well diary, it's another screwed-up time. I'm continuously confused about everything and I've stopped trying to make sense of it. I just accept if someone's mad at me for whatever reason and if they're giving me the cold shoulder, I stay away from them as to not give them a chance to ignore me. People are in a different mood every time I see them and I think it's stupid, so I just let them do whatever and only talk with them if they try to talk to me first, which tells me that I most likely won't be ignored or made to feel dumb. For example: A few days ago I came into work and passed by Mark and Carly. Mark said his usual line: "Hey! Skip Junior!" and I nodded at him. Carly said, "Hey," and patted my arm. A little later, I was doing a carry-out and I saw Carly with Mark and Wendy, and she waved to me. I waved back. Then I was going to break and I passed Carly and Wendy going the other way. Carly said "hi" to me and I didn't say anything because I wanted to seem not to notice her until I was right beside her and then I playfully elbowed her. She turned around and said, "So you're not talking to me now?" I told her that I was, but I just wanted to elbow her first. She said to come talk to her in her department sometime. That's odd. Usually I get the feeling that she doesn't quite enjoy me talking to her when she's working. Oh well. I didn't go talk to her, though, because I turned out to be too busy with my job. Well, the next day, which was Sunday, I did go talk to her. Guess what? I tried to talk about things but it wasn't encouraging getting mostly acknowledgements from her while she walked all over not seeming to notice me there while I followed behind her. So when we were near the bikes, she walked off but I stayed there and watched the 2 kids riding big wheels around the bike rack. Some other customer was watching them, too, and he and I got to talking first about the kids, but then about how many hours I get, and how much people there generally get paid. After he left, Carly came by and asked what we were talking about. The point is, first she wants me to come visit her, but once I do, it's like she doesn't want me to anymore, but once I leave, she wants to talk. The same for hanging out. Twice now I've suggested doing something when I saw her getting into her car. Both times the used the excuse that she doesn't have any money, and once said that she was busy when I didn't take the money thing for an answer. But then she's at home and calls me and says she might want to do something. I've just stopped trying to figure it out and just let her do whatever. The same with Melissa, too. One day she smiles at me when she sees me and says that I'm so sweet when I offer to save her some of the pizza that I got for lunch, and the next she doesn't even wave back and makes me feel like an immature boy with a crush on her trying to get her to like me by offering to save some pizza for her instead of letting everyone else in the break room finish off what I didn't eat. There's always an excuse if someone isn't being talkative to me, like they are having a bad day or once it was a hangover, but it never stops them from being all happy around their other friends. Maybe everyone seems closer and more comfortable around someone, and that someone is never me. But again, who cares? If someone wants to talk to me, I'll talk. If they want to ignore me for whatever reason, I'll make it easier and not talk to them. I can't change anyone, so I just make it easier on me and don't get involved.

Well, my friend, Kelli has deleted her diary, claiming it a waste of time because people don't note her like she would like. I noted almost every one of her entries and just recently stopped for a while. I'm not even going to bother worrying about the fact that by people noting her, she meant other than me. I'm past wondering if anything I do means anything to her. I've become more of a problem for her than a friend, to use her words exactly, and nothing I do or have tried to do will change that. She said she may or may not read my diary still. I'm thinking most likely not. If she won't "waste her time" just because I want her to, then why would she do it reading my diary? It matters not, however, I can't expect anything to go the way I want it, and frankly things turn out the same for me whether I'm nice or not with her, so why worry about what I say? She claims I'm pretty much a jerk (not exactly in those words) no matter what I do, anyway. Can you blame someone for liking someone else, though? And possibly acting a little different because of it? Maybe wanting to talk to them a lot and being oblivious to any meanness they show you. I really did like her... a lot. I'd try to make everything perfect. I wanted to be the best friend she's ever had. Never mad, never rude, always helpful, always available if she needs someone to talk to, always willing to do favors, an unlimited source of support. She once said that in "A Walk to Remember" (I still haven't seen that but my mom said I'd like it a lot and said I'd probably cry because my dad did and I'm a lot like him), the guy makes all the things on her list happen and it was so neat. Yeah, good luck for me trying to do that. I just end up making things worse.

So I'll just go along with whatever and be the lonely car-pusher out in the cold, dark, and rain where I belong. It's much more peaceful and nothing messes with my mind.

previous entry : Song - 'I Feel So' next entry: Yeah, whatever
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