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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : I got evaluated next entry: Training the new guy

Driving Randy 3/19/2003
Yesterday Randy called me and wanted to borrow $33. Ha... ha, that's funny. Sure, why not? I only have $12 to my name, and had to borrow money from someone else, but that's no big deal, right? I told him I wished I had $33 even for myself. My mom's been researching all these places to refinance our house since interest rates are down from the stupid war. Not that part of me doesn't like the idea of my country whooping another, proving that ours is the strongest, but it's going to be drawn out a lot longer than it needs to, and we might end up having a freakin' draft that would affect me. But regardless, we're refinancing our home and so my mom could spend a little money so she took all of us (minus my dad who was at work) to Subway. Right as we were heading out the door, Randy called again, asking if he could borrow $2 this time. I said he could. He also asked if I could give him a ride to the Greyhound bus station at 9pm. I said I could. After Subway, It was about 8:25 and it took around 20 minutes to get to his house, and 20 more to get to the station. I hurried over there based on the instructions he gave me, and he invited me in while he loaded his stuff in my car, along with his fiance. Oh, so I'm giving her a ride, too. That's cool, I guess. He said they found a place in Washington and were moving there. Hmm, that's cool for him. His mom said he was in over his head, though. I guess if things don't work out, then it will be a good lesson, and learning the hard way is an unfortunate but effective way to learn. I'm currently ripping songs from all our CDs because I found this program where you download music and all the music on there is monitored to make sure they have all been ripped by this certain high-quality program, and that the person sharing them has all the songs from the album, and you have to have at least 40 full albums of MP3s to even use the program, so I'm busy doing that.
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