Yesterday while I was giving Randy and his fiance a
lift, Wal-Mart called and asked if I wanted to come into work
tomorrow despite it being my day off. They requested I come in at 8
in the morning and train the new stockman they hired. I accepted.
The first thing I had to do was make sure I woke up early enough,
since I usually wake up around 10. Well, my brother, Matt, uses my
alarm clock radio to wake up at 6:45 for school, so I wrote a note
telling him to wake me up, too, and left it on the clock. Then I went
to bed around 2:30 (silly me). I woke up by my dad and he had
Wal-Mart on the phone. I asked him what time it was and he said it
was almost 8:30. It was CSM Courtney confirming that I was going
to go in today. I told her that my source of waking up was
unreliable. She said it was okay, just to come in as soon as I
could, and she'd have the new guy do the CBLs (computer based
learning). Everyone has to do them so they know all procedures and
whatnot. I clocked in at 9:20, an hour and 20 minutes late, but it
was okay because I wasn't scheduled. Perry, the new stockman, is my
height, has short, black, barely curly hair, and Elvis sideburns,
and he's 30. I showed him the ropes, and basically had a normal day
and left at 4. He came from New York, but lived here long enough to
go to the University of Oregon. I'm freakin' tired now, and this
ripping of CDs takes forever. It'd be nice to have someone to take
a nap with, though. I kinda miss the very few times I did.