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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Man, I'm glad to be off work next entry: Yesterday

Fun without the fun 3/27/2003
Today I went with my family to have fun. I was going to have to drive my car because Amy would be having 2 of her friends coming as well, but the one she didn't invite, due to lack of space, and who asked to be included in the plans, which resulted in me being told I'd have to drive my car, called and said she changed her mind about wanting to come, so I could now be driven by my mother, which meant going everywhere they went and waiting for her. And that, my friend, is a freakin' long sentence. Korn rules, by the way, as well as System of a Down. But now I'm listening to a song from "My Neighbor Totoro" which is done by the same people who made "Princess Mononoke" if you know what that is. Anyway, our family outing was to be a visit to Putters to play miniature golf, though of course I didn't and instead spent all my time taking turns playing DDR with the sweaty and smelly boy in overalls there who had been there as long as I had, though no odor or excessive moisture could be found on me. I just don't sweat easily. He was almost as good as I am, and he claims he started playing at the end of January, though he comes and plays every other day. I play about once a month. We ran some errands and junk, and then boredom filled the rest of my day. I did more fun things then, not including calling Carly, playing video games, listening to music, but my overall impression of the day is 100% boring. I feel like just driving somewhere, but not alone. I want to call up Carly again and say I want to go somewhere with her. Not to do something, just to be out, like the coast or something, or even just stay in the car and lean back in our seats while parked away from everything. Then my dad came home and turned on the news about the war and so I got interested in that. I just feel like I could be doing so much more. While I'm sitting here bored, I could be doing something. I just never know what. I still only get bulk mail or an occasional message in my regular inbox, but it's either a forward from Tracy or bulk mail that didn't qualify as "bulk" by Yahoo.

What am I living for?

previous entry : Man, I'm glad to be off work next entry: Yesterday
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years ago at 12:00AM a girl was found hung in her closet. SHe was wrapped in plastic wrap naked. She had been beaten. There was blood all over her closet.The next time you open your closet you will see the ghost of girl. SOmeone or something will magically push you in the closet if you don't send this to 12 people by 12:00 AM. NOW

sorry this thing freaked me out so i have to send it..

I understand what you mean. There's a war going on and I can only sit at home and hope the best for the one's fighting. It makes you feel useless.

[× Moonstruck ×]

I wonder sometimes
at the point
of anything.

om god, that ^ note is soooo stupid. Please don't forward that and bug more people with it. Why do people start such moronic chain notes?

Anywho, you day sounds about as fun as my month! Sorry I didn't email you back, just I didn't have anything to say so there was no point.


ok... so when I made my note, the chain note was the only one there. I'm just going to rephrase my sentence to say "the first note"




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