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  Rebel Leader  
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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Movie before work next entry: Living life

Off to California... who wants to come? 4/6/2003
Not too many unusual things happened today, so this will most likely be a short entry, though I could surprise myself.

The first thing was when I went to work. After whatever length of time after starting my shift, I went and saw Tracy in her department. She was helping a customer and a cute little girl, about 6 or so, was standing by her. I came up to Tracy and said I wanted a quarter of each fabric (she had made the same joke request a different day to the person working there). Here's how it went after that (Tracy was measuring fabric during this):
Girl: Are you serious?
Tracy: No, he's not.
Girl: Are you serious?
Me: No, I'm not serious.
Girl: Then how much do you really need?
Me: Well... how much are YOU getting?
Girl: I'm getting... well... I'M not the one getting it; my mom is.
Tracy: Just tell him you're getting a lot.
Girl: I'm getting a lot.
Me: Oh, well I'm getting less than that.
Tracy: (something inaudible to girl)
Girl: Go... spend your money... somewhere else.
Tracy: *laughs*
Me: Okay, I'll go buy Tracy some meat, then.
Girl: Are you a vegetarian?
Tracy: Yes.

(then Tracy took me a few feet away and laughed while saying how that girl is so cute and she doesn't like me, lol. The girl followed us)

Girl: Go to... California and... (I don't remember if she said anything after that)
Me: California? But you'll have to show me because I don't know the way.
Girl: No, go around the world a lot and... sell ice cream.
Tracy: *laughs*
Me: Can I take her along? (Tracy)
Girl and Tracy: No.

Then I walked her to her car and she was recapping some of the things that were said that were funny. I asked her when we could go to the coast since we didn't get to. She said probably the 25th, which is the day before her birthday. I asked what she would be doing on her birthday and she said she was having a party with her immediate family, but I was welcome to come. Now I have to talk to Sherene to try to get those days off. I hope I can. She kept saying to have fun on my trip to California, lol.

Mark and Ami saw my hair, which was the result of having it spiked up and combing it out so it wouldn't be hard, and sleeping on it. Mark asked what happened to my hair and I said I slept on it. He asked, "In a suitcase?" Ami said I should put gel in it; the kind that turns your hair blue while it's in it, and then twist the spikes to make it look evil. I said I'd just put water in it (since it still had traces of dried gel in it). She said I shouldn't, but I did anyway and it was spiked-up once again. She said it would be poofy and frizzy once it dried, and I said that if it was, I would eat my words and she could fix it any way she wanted. Of course it just dried spiked, but we agreed for her to bring her stuff tomorrow and do my hair how she was picturing. If so, I'll make sure to take a picture of it so anyone who's curious can see how weird and/or cool I look.

When Lori was doing a break for the greeter, Sis. Heather walked in and said "hi" to me really happily. I said "hi" back. She's a few years older than I. I turned to Lori and explained how she went to my church. She said she thought she might be an ex-girlfriend or something. I'm like, "Nope, I don't have any of those." She said, "Really? And you're okay with that?" I said how I didn't know it was good to have EX-girlfriends (funny) and she said, "Well... you should have at least one." I said for her to tell them that. It's not really whether I'm okay with it or not, since I can't change if someone likes me or not, and no one I like likes me back, and everyone I've liked in the past basically avoids me, with a few exceptions.

I saw David's girlfriend and she said they moved to Junction City now. I'm still supposed to come over and bring Dragon Ball Z: Legends. His son is really into DBZ, too. He said he has Tuesdays and Wednesdays off, and I have those and Thursdays off, too, so I plan on dropping by Tuesday since I have to do something else in town anyway.

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What a cute conversation. :)
Conan O'Brien

hey wuzzup? i just completed a top 40 cool websites list, and added it to my diary. i had a lot of help from otha TOD members. i know we all get bored sometimes, and i wanted 2 list places on da net folks can check out. dis list iz 4 all TOD members n visitors. so check it out an spread da word. dez sites are fun, so ENJOY! an tell me what u think. or tell me a cool site u like.

MuCh LuV

-KA [kaoscutie]



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