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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Living life next entry: Junkyard diving

Response to note 4/8/2003
I got this note on my last entry saying "really... can you please stop talking about your life, your rude and obnoxious, please get something better to write about."

For crying out loud, what the heck am I supposed to write about? Maybe I should write about the war. How about the weather? I guess I could write about someone else's life from their diary, but that's because they write about their life. I haven't found a diary yet that didn't have something about the life of the author, so I find it rather ridiculous to request I write about something other than what this diary was meant for.

previous entry : Living life next entry: Junkyard diving
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That is rather stupid! What else are you going to write about? 99% of the people here are here to write about their lives! [Roxy|Grl]

wow, who the hell is that? pretty pathetic let me tell ya. THIS IS A DIARY! this is were you can vent and get POSTIVE SUPPORT! not insults. and they didnt even sign a name. ashamed of yourself eh? im not surprised. just screw those kinda people, they're not worth the time of day.

NMB sumtime

-carolyn [_tortured_pianist_]

i agree.
some people suck.
! [lyrical image]



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