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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Unrelaxing day next entry: Enough putting off

Wow, Tracy took me out to dinner 4/15/2003
Yeah, she did, and she was actually on EIM when I was on, too (Excite IM). Since I had bought her a sandwich from Subway the other day, she said she'd take me out to dinner at El Kiosco today. Since it's her dad's favorite place to eat, she brought him along, too. She told me to be at her house at 5, and I was, but before then, I got a call from Graffiti Alley saying that my seal strips for my door windows finally arrived! I went and got them. Now once I put them in, no more wind noise! Plus I got an email saying that my distributor should arrive tomorrow. Which reminds me... in responce to Kelli's note, I would usually let Carly pay me back, it's just that she's having vet bills and other things, barely having enough money for gas to drive to work, so if she apologizes for not paying me back or whatever, I'll just say not to worry about it. As for buying something for her even though she didn't want it, I thought she was just being polite since I was the one paying.

So at Tracy's house, her dog, Shadow, didn't jump up on me as much, which was nice to not get AS slobbered. We waited for her dad to get off work and then she drove us to the restaurant and had really yummy chips and salsa and I had 2 enchiladas. I couldn't eat the second one and had to bring it with me, which reminds me that I left it on her kitchen counter. :/ Then she showed me her new chair/fold-out mattress that she bought so she won't have to lay on the floor anymore in her room. She has a bed, but it's a bunk bed without the bottom bed and she sleeps on the floor below it where her TV and stuff is, so it's actually in a small entertainment center. She laid on that while I laid on the floor next to it with her pillow and we watched 2 episodes of "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer". The first one was a really old one and the second was one of the new ones, though it was the first 2 episodes I've ever seen of it. I guess she and her dad (I don't know about the rest of her family) really like Sarah Michelle Gellar.

After that I went and watched her bowl with her sister again. This time her sister was more talkative around me. I have Tracy's birthday off since I requested it off and her mom said that she better see me there, lol. After that, Tracy chatted online while I watched a little and then I decided to go home. It was 11-something anyway.

"Spirited Away" is available at Hollywood Video as of today! (I didn't check the other places).

previous entry : Unrelaxing day next entry: Enough putting off
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Yay for you! [x meow]

That's quite all right. That's cool that you like some of the bands I listed. Which were they? And you never did answer my previous questions. ;o}
[× Moonstruck ×]



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