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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Matt's track meet next entry: Neverending alarm

Double fun 5/2/2003
Ahh, May 2nd. My best friend, Nick, and I have been looking forward to this date to be on today's calendar for a while now, with anticipation.

But before we had our fun, I had to get the ground to my battery fixed so that the radio wouldn't turn off whenever I applied the brakes. I went to both K'nechts and Napa but neither had what I wanted, but they both gave me an idea. I went into my dad's shed and got a piece of the electric fence wire he had and just made a loop with it and hooked both ends to the wire coming off of the battery cable and used a bolt to fix it to metal. It works perfectly now.

Then I had to go, but since the car thing took so long, I didn't have time to do the chores I was supposed to do, but I would feel bad for going without doing anything, so I cleaned the bathroom instead of mowing the lawn, which would take longer.

Then I went to pick up Nick, who had been waiting. We went to the Gateway Mall to watch the 2nd X-Men movie. I had previously bought our tickets online and all I had to do was put the number into the machine and it would print out our tickets. While I was figuring that out, Nick was flirting with 2 girls who had just played on the nearby Dance Dance Revolution machine. He then played a game of it by himself as I walked over there with the tickets. The girls were literally speechless and had an expression like he was a god or something. I mean, he was only playing "Super Star" on "heavy" mode (a.k.a. "maniac"). That one's not that hard, but it looks hard. Well, after he played his 3 songs, I wasn't aboug to miss out on a chance to play, too, so the next 3 songs we played together. He's a little better than I am, but we did about the same. It's always cool when people, especially girls, are in awe when Nick and I play it. We're certainly not the best DDR players out there, but we've come a long way from when we started.

Then we went to see the movie, but it turned out that the machine only gave me one ticket when I had bought 2 online. We went back to the usher and a manager said she had found an extra at the machine and gave it to us. That was close. The movie was really cool; as good or better than the first one. One part we think is funny is when Wolverine steals Cyclops' car and he turns on the CD player to listen to music and the song "Bye Bye Bye" by 'Nsync plays, and he turns it off. That means that Cyclops had that CD in last time he used it, lol. *secretly listens to that song once in a while, but don't tell anyone*

After the movie, we had to go to the McDonald theater, which happened to be on the same block as the LTD (Lane Transit District) bus station. We drove around looking for a place to park because the meters had a maximum parking time of an hour. I finally pulled into a parking lot of a store that had closed for the night. Then we had to walk a block to the theater and we gave them our tickets and got our wrists stamped. We now had an hour until the They Might Be Giants concert started. It may not be the band we listen to the most, but it's the one that stands out the most for us. They are the only band that I wanted to own all of the CDs of, whereas other bands I settled for MP3s. They Might Be Giants is just so cool. We waited until 8 o'clock and listened to the random songs that played over the speakers like in a regular movie theater. They played a few Powerpuff Girls songs, and the others I didn't recognize. Then the song "Chop Suey" by System of a Down came on. That was cool.

Finally they came out, but it wasn't the people we came to see. It was their opening band and they played several songs, all of which Nick and I wished would hurry up and get over with since we didn't care for them. The band was called "The Long Winters". After they were done, there was another time of waiting until the lights went out and then the beginning of a techno song played and the lights went with it. Then the band we came to see came on stage and started the concert. Nick and I stood up and went up front to be closer. They played a lot of songs I didn't know, but the ones I did know that I remember were "Birdhouse in Your Soul", "Istanbul", "Dead", "Fingertips" (yes, all the small fingertips songs), "You're Not the Boss of Me", "Dr. Worm", "Ana NG", "New York City" (they're from New York City), "Shoehorn with Teeth", "James K. Polk", "Man it's So Loud in Here", and "You're Older Than You've Ever Been". They also plugged in a radio to the speakers and went through the stations and would listen to the song on, then turn it off and play the song. After they left, everyone was cheering for about a minute and they came back out and played 3 more songs. Then the audience was still cheering and they came back and played 2 more songs and then the lights went out and the random songs were played over the speakers like when we were waiting for it to start.

John Flansburgh and John Linnell are the original members of the band, but they always have other people in their group to help out. One of those guys was walking where the audience was and Nick and I shook his hand. Then John Flansburgh (guitar and vocals) was sitting on the stage and signing autographs and some lucky people got pictures with him. I got my "Apollo 18" CD (their 4th album) signed because it was the first one I ever heard and it's probably my favorite, if not their 3rd album, "Flood". Nick bought a DVD with all their music videos on it from the band store. I found out that John Linnell (accordian, keyboard, vocals) was getting over the flu and left right after the show.

I took Nick to my house where his mom was and she took him home. I then found out that my dad's position at work had been terminated, so now our only source of income isn't there anymore and he's looking for another job or 2 now. This has the potential to suck.

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Well, no wonder why you haven't been online! I feel tired from just reading all that and I've been up for maybe two hours! I'm sorry about your dad, tho, hon. I remember when my mom got into an accident and she couldn't go back to work. My parents were so worried that they wouldn't be able to pull their weight. We did fine and I know you and your family will, too. Star Gazer [× Moonstruck ×]



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