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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Double fun next entry: Lately...

Neverending alarm 5/5/2003
At work today, the alarm went off at the door like someone went out with something that hadn't been deactivated. It kept saying "We're sorry, you have activated Wal-Mart's inventory control system. Please step back and an associate will help you. Thank you" over and over and over. Pat, the people greeter, and I searched all over the alarm things but found no security tags. Usually when it does this, there was a tag thrown into the garbage which is close enough to the alarm sensor, but we pulled the trash can away and it was still doing it. We got Chris over helping us, and another manager named Pat, but we couldn't figure it out. Amanda from Shoes came over and helped us look. Finally, we found out that the medicine that was in Pat's jacket (not the manager Pat) that was hanging up near the sensor hadn't been deactivated. We must have made a horrible scene, but it was some spice in my day, lol.

I finally got some info as to why Melissa has been ignoring me. It turns out that it is because of the day when she was in a bad mood and wanted everyone to keep at least 5 feet from her, and right when she came into work, several people said something to her right after the other, and I happened to be the straw that broke the camel's back, even though she told me that she's just in a bad mood and it's not me she's upset at. Well, she hasn't been talking to me for about a month or 2 now, and Ruby casually got out of her that she "has nothing to say to me" and that it's linked to that incident, without letting her know that I had been asking about it. At least I know that she doesn't think I did something that I didn't.

Carly is going to see the 2nd X-Men movie with Nick tomorrow, but when we were going home, she asked me what I was doing tomorrow and then said she'd call me after the movie. My distributor is supposed to arrive at K'nechts tomorrow, too.

previous entry : Double fun next entry: Lately...
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OMG, that had to be so embarassing! It is funny, tho. *stifles a laugh* Teehee! I'm sorry she's ignoring you, hon. Maybe you should let her cool down and let her come to you. It works for me. At least know this... I will never ignore you. :o} Talk to you soon. I'm writing my reply to your e-mail now.
Your Star Gazer
[× Moonstruck ×]

Cute. [mini-lyricmaniac]

It's all just so very cute. [mini-lyricmaniac]



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