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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Neverending alarm next entry: Some stuff I forgot to mention

Lately... 5/11/2003
Today's Mother's day, and yes I got something for my mom. I bought half a dozen red roses and I know she'll like it. I got home late enough so she was going to bed and I didn't really have to hide them.

It was pretty busy yesterday. Tracy left around the time I got there and she hasn't even seen my haircut yet. Oh well. Carly was there and apologized for not calling me on Tuesday after her movie date with Nick (not my best friend, Nick) like she said she would. She said she would have to make it up to me. Hehe, that's fine with me. She said she lost my number, lol. She said she has it on speed dial but she couldn't find her phone that has it. She also said she got on AIM 3 times (I very rarely see her online) to see if I was on, but I happened to be offline for all those times. Well, she doesn't HAVE to make it up to me if it wasn't her fault, but I won't argue if she still wants to do it. She saw the second X-Men movie with Nick on Tuesday, and I was talking to Nick later and he said he bought "X-Men 1.5" and found a free ticket in it to see the movie, so he's going to see it again next Thursday with Carly. Later, I was talking with her and she mentioned she will probably see the movie again, and I said I knew. She asked how I knew and I told her. She seems to not want to tell me things that she's doing with Nick and usually just says that she's going to see a certain movie on a certain day, but I always know that it's with Nick because she already has it planned. She only goes with Nick or me, and if it's with me, she doesn't pick a day until she knows my work schedule. When she got off work yesterday, I decided to take my break and I walked with her to her car. She said something about being away from her dog, and I said I would watch her, half-kidding (I didn't think she would agree to it). She said her parents are home and they're doing it. I asked how her mom liked the drawing I did of Carly's late dog and she said she almost cried, and she said, "C'mon, get a grip, Mom. Even I didn't cry." I don't want to bring it up all the time because I don't want to feel like I'm bragging about it and how it's a really good picture and I know it.

Mark left today. He's moving to Las Vegas. He's been moving all across the country and staying only a few years each place. His time here was finally over in his mind, so he's moving there. He said what he wants to do someday is live in San Diego because he says it's really nice there.

I have this new friend I haven't talked about, but we've been friends for almost a month now, and we've gotten close really fast. Her name's Jamie, but I call her Star Gazer since her diary has a stars and moon theme, and it rhymed with "TTYL", sort of. It made a bigger impression on her than I had intended, but happiness caused without prior planning is still happiness. I'm glad she likes it. I'm not going to go into a heap of detail here, but basically she's a really kind person who is tired of being shunned for her lack of physical beauty and I happen to be one of the only decent guys she's met. I've talked to a few people who are afraid of giving their picture out because people often stop talking to them once they see it. For crying out loud, people, do looks determine everything? It's online! Even if looks did matter that much, you don't see them! You probably won't meet them, especially if you don't let yourself get close because of their appearance. It's just stupid. I don't have any problem with her looks. I like her just how she is: a caring person who was waiting for a caring person to come along; one who will be friends for better or for worse. Do you think I don't still think about Kelli? Of course I do. With all that has happened, I still would like to chat and be friends. No, I'm not trying to make myself look good, as Jamie has already found out and told me so. It hurts to know that someone thinks of you as someone who just tries to improve themselves in others' eyes. It was just miscommunications, and her having her own issues and me having ideas to help her that obviously don't work in the real world. She didn't have to get so annoyed about things, though.

Well, I had better wrap this up and get going to church. I'm missing part of it. Later.

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Yay! I got mentioned in an entry! lol You're not trying to make yourself look good. You're a genuine person and that's why I care about you so much. You're so sweet and caring it's amazing. Kelli doesn't know what she's missing... I do, tho.
Your Star Gazer
[× Moonstruck ×]



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