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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Fred, Fred, Fred next entry: Okay, what's happened again?

Too much stuff 6/11/2003
Really, too much has happened since I last updated. I just haven't been in a sit-down-and-write-entry mood. I'm not really right now, but if I don't, I'll just have more to write about when I do do it.

First of all, it's been way too hot. We got 2 new stockmen named Phillip and Kevin. Phillip's big (height and width) and you'd expect him to be pretty strong, but he burns out very easily on pushing carts, especially in the heat. He stays inside and helps most of the time. Kevin does a good job, but seems to do carts when I'm not. He's got eyes that look the opposite of crossed. He seems to like me, but Phillip doesn't talk much.

I ordered some sunglasses online, as well as the CD "Origins of Symmetry" by Muse. There was a version with 11 tracks and one with 12, so of course I got the one with more, but I had to import it from Japan, even though it's not in Japanese. I think they recorded it there. Muse only made 2 actual albums and "Showbiz" is their other one. I found out that there are 3 versions of that one: one with 11, one with 12, and one with 13 tracks. FYE said that they can't order "Origins of Symmetry" because it's discontinued (which is okay for me) but they can order "Showbiz" from the UK. I asked how many tracks it has and she said "12", so it looks like I'm going to be ordering that one off the net, too. The sunglasses I ended up ordering look pretty cool. It turns out I got them both on the same day, even though I ordered them at different times, plus I got Jamie-poo's letter in the mail, too! I was all excited, and was showing my stuff off to my brother, Matt. Thanks, Star Gazer! Smells good!

Anyway, I went to Putters one of the days and guess what? Okay, everyone sit down, because this is really a big moment. I played Dance Dance Revolution and... I... beat... the... song............. "Drop Out"... on... "maniac"!!!!!!!!! Whoohoo! This is so cool. I LOVE that song! Well, the song's okay, but the steps to it rule! They're so fast, and I can actually do it! Finally! Now if I could only pass "Afronova". Hmph.

So anyway, I went to the mall the other day, and went clothes shopping... all by myself. I went to Fuel and got 2 pairs of shorts: black cargos and brown ones that look like slacks. I also got a new pair of my flame Converse shoes because mine were getting worn out. Fred Meyer didn't have any more and hadn't for 2 months, so I was worried I wouldn't be able to find any more, but Journeys had some! I went into Hot Topic and got a Karate Kid shirt and also a System of a Down one that has the same picture as their "Toxicity" case. Besides those, I was looking for a shirt that said "Hookt on Fonix werked for mee" or something like that. Nick has it and it's so cool. I couldn't find it, though. I also looked for one that Kelli has that says "You are SO off my buddy list" but I couldn't find it, either. Lastly, I tried to get a Slipknot one, but I only found 2 and I didn't like them. Slipknot is my favorite band to listen to in my car.

Carly hasn't said anything to me, and neither has Melissa, so whatever. I went to the movies with Nick from work today. We first had to go to The Good Guys because I called and asked if the speakers were in that I was going to have put in my car and the guy said they were. When I got there, they actually weren't. This is the second day in a row it's happened. The guy who usually helps me looked at the logs and said it will be in either tomorrow or Friday. I work on Friday so I'll just do it then. But Nick and I ended up seeing "Old School", which was funny. It reminded me of "Fight Club", but without the violence, and more comedy.

That's all I can really think of. It feels good to finally write it so I don't have to try to remember to do it anymore.

previous entry : Fred, Fred, Fred next entry: Okay, what's happened again?
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Don't make me call you Pookie! lol
I could never do that
I think I'll stick to Star Gazer
Or I'll just stick to being yours
Glad you like the letter
Jamie ¤
[Star Gazer ¤]

I forgot to leave you a note from my other diary
Go to *Piper*Halliwell*
I dedicated a song to you
I know you need something to make you smile
It's titled *** Anytime
Jamie ¤
[Star Gazer ¤]

You want my shirt huh? Well you can't have my shirt. Wanna know why? ... Cause it's MINE!!!! Mauahahahahahahahaha

Anywho, cool sunglasses. Was it you who told me they had Neo-ish sunglasses? I don't remember, but in any case, those do look cool.

I started my story (the actuall writing part) so wish me luck!

~Kitsuchi-kun ^_^

ja ne

Haha. Just so incredibily funny! I'm starting to believe you're either made up or extremely desperate. You let me know which one it is... [mini-lyricmaniac]



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