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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Computer stuff next entry: Guess who talked to me

Yes, I'm alright 7/20/2003
It's been way too busy at work. It's also been way too hot. I'm actually sweating and usually the only thing that makes me sweat is playing DDR. The other day, it was so bad that I was there until freakin' 1 in the morning until I was finally done with carts. Oh well, that's extra hours. Plus, Pat asked me what days I have off and I told him Tue-Thu and he asked me if I could work at 10 on Tuesday for 8 hours and I gladly accepted. Yay, that's even more hours. I figured it out and that's about $60 extra before taxes. But then again, I get almost all my taxes back, so ha. I also figured out that my insurance is costing me $28 a month because I'm on my parents' plan. That's a little lower than most peoples', lol. My stomach hasn't been feeling well, lately, though. My youngest brother, Ben, has a fever, but I hope I'm not getting any of it. I never get a fever anymore. The most I get is a runny nose and sore throat. My mom asked me what my secret was. Well, I told her to eat a lot more junk food, go to bed really late, do lots of physical work for half the day, and sit around and do nothing the other half, only think about trivial things like a song stuck in your head or if you're stepping on cracks in the sidewalk, instead of important things, and you might want to consider getting a little younger. She agreed with the younger and excercise part, but I told her that it's all part of the recipe.

Anyway, I must not look well, because aside from the normal stuff like people telling me to smile or sarcastically to not have too much fun, they have been saying I'm not being myself or asking me if I'm alright. Mark came back from Las Vegas because he didn't like "that dirty city". He has been all across the United States and he said that it's all right here (Oregon). He asked me if I have a girlfriend yet and asked me if I was still talking to people online. I said I didn't have one, but was still talking to people online, and he said that there are plenty of girls here and for some reason, both he and Ami explicitly told me not to go for New York girls. She said New York guys are the worst (she tried to go out with one online and when she met him, he was a total nerd and afraid of bugs) so she concluded that New York girls couldn't be much better. Well, I beg to differ. I know a great one. Anyway, Mark asked me if I've been smoking, because I look high. On the night when I stayed until 1am pushing carts, Chris saw me when I had just pushed a row inside and he stopped and looked at me a few seconds and asked me if I was alright. I said I was. He asked me if I was sure. I told him I was just tired (though I really didn't feel tired, it was the best thing I could think of). I wonder how I look, because I don't feel bad. I just got my hair cut yesterday, though, and people have been saying it looks good. I took a chance and wore my tank top, which is against dress code, and to my delight, Chris, Rick, Pat, and Bet, who are all managers, saw me and said nothing. Randy came by to drop off my Faxanadu game for NES (first Nintendo) so I could let Carly's brother, Jason, borrow it. Randy shook his head at my tank top and then recalled that in track when it was getting hotter in the year and some of the guys ran with their shirts off, I would, too, and he would see girls stop and watch me. He would say to himself "it's just Jason". Colin, who was the only one faster at short sprinting than me, told me one time that I've been getting the girls' attention. Lol, well whatever, none of them came and talked to me, so I just left it alone. Anyway, Carly's brother came in the other day and said "hi" to me. He was with his girlfriend and they had just been to more video game stores looking for Faxanadu with no luck. I know he's been looking for that game for a long time now and it's rare. I have it, but Randy's been borrowing it. I told him my NES is broken and I'm just holding onto the game because it's the only rare game I have, but I offered to let him borrow it. He asked if I might want to sell it, but I don't. So Randy brought it over and I was going to give it to Carly, but she left too soon, so I gave it to Steven in the hopes he would do something with her after work. Even if he didn't, at least he'll see her before I do, and more often, so he can give it to her.

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New York guys ARE the worst! That's why New York girls never date them! lol I do have to agree that New York girls can be pretty bad, but not all of them. You have to stick to small town girls 'cause they're greatful for everything. Yes, we're afraid of bugs! I detest bugs! lol Especially ones that fly! So, your friend's half-right.
Jamie ¤ (NSI)

Hey, thanx for the very insightful response to my poem! It was very nice of you to take the time to say what you thought of it, rather then just saying you’d seen it before, which of course I already knew. I love it when your serious like that and not just always going for a joke. It was very thoughtful...

Anywho, I hope your friend was joking, because it wouldn't be very nice to say bad...

...things about all guys from one state just because she thought one of them was a nerd. And theres nothing wrong with not like bugs. Some bugs are gross.

That's cool that you've been getting extra hours. I still need to find a job...


That's a good point, but I can't agree. A world without humans would have far more purpose to it that the world as it is now. The rest of the animals could live in peace, and the world would be much more beautiful. Everything evil is brought about by humans.

I just can't understand the whole "humans are here to serve God" thing. If God is all powerful, why does he need anyone to serve him? How...

...do people serve God other than spreading the word to other people & going to church to listen to other people and such? It just makes a circle in the end.

I think Humans have no purpose. Humanity is a disease that plauges the beutiful Earth. Parasites eating it away, tearing it up. One day, we will destroy our only home...


Its the truth Jason itss just you and I sometimes wonder why you don't have a grilfriend. I mean with the way that they look at you. Did you manage to get Andrea's computer together? or is it still in the box? [Keiran]

Ooh, Faxanadu. I have that. I never could beat it. Hey, thanks for that link, I downloaded the patch(though it took a few tries for the site to work). But upon going to use it/install it, I noticed that the setup stuff isn't in English. Does that mean that if I install it RM2K3 won't be in English? Oh, and how do you put demos of your game on the net so people can play them? Later. [Living In Syn]

Blah, I just felt like noting you
I still feel horrible for keeping you up so late
I hope your stomach feels better
Forgive me? *gives you puppy dog eyes*
Jamie ¤
I was an Angel, but now I'ma [Star Gazer ¤]

Ahh...I installed that patch thing...and it didn't really say anything about fonts(probably because it was almost entirely undecipherable), and now RM2K3 doesn't work! It says "Unlha32.dll not found". Aye, this is horrible, do you know how to fix it? That'd really suck if I had to download it again and re-enter all the stuff I've already made. Oy...Later. [Living In Syn]


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