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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Yes, I'm alright next entry: I almost died today

Guess who talked to me 7/24/2003
As you know, since you read my last entry, I was letting Carly's brother, Jason, borrow my Faxanadu game for NES, but I had to give it to her to give to him because I'm obviously not welcome at her house since I'm just her "acquaintence", even though she acts like I'm much less than that. Of course I had to give a reason why I couldn't come over, so I told him that we're not friends anymore because she said I was too clingy. He said she's just going through a stage, but to just have her deliver it to him. She left before I could, so I had to give it to Steven to give to her next time he saw her, which would undoubtedly be sooner than I would. With that said, she IMed me yesterday. I sure wasn't expecting it, but once I read what she said, I found it easier to believe she was talking to me, since she didn't say anything nice. Here's how it went, with typos fixed and screen names protected:

Carly: You need to get that game from whoever has it because I don't want it.
Me: You don't, but Jason does.
Carly: He doesn't need it.
Me: Says you, but he said to give it to you because he wanted to borrow it.
Carly: Well, I don't want you to have a reason to call here or stop by or anything, so I bought it for him since he wants it that bad.
Carly: So yeah, I do say.
Me: Okay, he couldn't find it anywhere, so I'm surprised you found it, but that's cool. Steven has it, I think.
Carly: It's called "eBay".
Me: Thanks for telling me.
Carly: Yeah, and I don't appreciate you talking to my family about me.
Me: Okay.
Carly: You know, he thought you were being clingy, too.
Me: That's nice to know.
Carly: I bet.
Me: I wouldn't have said anything but it would seem weird with me saying I can't come over.

That's the last thing said. Lol, so she despises me that much that she'd go and buy him a game so that he won't have a reason to borrow it from me. I think I could have some fun with this, but I'll just wait for opportunities instead of going and looking for trouble. She obviously has some problems if she'll go to those lengths to keep from having anything to do with me, when we are supposed to be acquaintances and all I did was try a little to hang out since she always hung out with other people more, especially at work. She'd say she's busy without actually saying it, but she'd walk around anywhere with her other friends. Oh well, I'm fine, she's the one who's unstable. I've got good friends, and I bet she has a harder time finding good friends like I have.

Anyway, I finished setting up Andrea's computer. Now all I have to do is temporarily put in her old hard drives and copy over all her irreplaceable files, like anime pictures and MP3 songs taken from my folder where I downloaded them to. Well, I gotta go pick up Amy from work. At least I can listen to Carmageddon songs on the way.

previous entry : Yes, I'm alright next entry: I almost died today
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hey... i've been given very interesting opinions on what my situation means. can you help me figure it out even further? this is really agrivating the daylights outta me. thanks a bunch!!!

nmb [x.charlotte.x]

I wouldn't go looking for trouble, either. Especially since you work with her. (Hmm... sound familiar?) I would just blow it off. She's obviously being very immature and needs to grow up. She was just trying to get your goat. Don't let her. Maybe Carly and Rachel should get together and have a sleep over! lol
Jamie ¤ (Star Gazer ¤ - NSI)

Nyah nyah, I'm leaving another note! :oP
lol Yup, I've definitely had way too much soda!
We don't wanna know what I think of Carly... nooo :oD
Jamie ¤
I used to be an Angel, but now I'm a [Star Gazer ¤]

You know I've looked on ebay for that same game since you let me borrow it and I haven't found it there, so how can it be? Don't go looking for trouble with out me Jason. I have to have fun to you know. Hey got good news the Internet at my house is working now. I figured out that stupid problem w/ my moms computer (when it was asking for the vxd file) and now its working better then it did. [Keiran]



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