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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Scott found next entry: I stood her up

Drama at work 9/9/2003
Scott didn't call me for 2 days and then my aunt wanted to weed-eat (for some weird reason) and she ended up cutting the phone line so our phones don't work anymore (isn't that great?). Oh well, she's still cool to have around. She sews for her business and has even made 3-piece suits before. All her clothes are custom fitted to the person and each thing is unique unless copied from something else. She has this customer in California who was in a music video and she now only wears clothes by my Aunt Vicki. This lady knows Sinbad and is trying to get him into my aunt's clothes as well.

We got 2 new stockmen at work, or should I say "stockpersons". One of them is a girl. Everyone was surprised because she's our first female stockman ever. I didn't know they hired girls to push carts, like they don't hire males to work in the clothes department. Brent is one of the stockmen. I guess he's the younger brother of someone else who works there. He has taken a liking to me and likes to push carts in the same area as I do. He starts cracking up whenever I just look at him, though. His girlfriend just broke up with him because she caught him looking at a girl in the parking lot and he said he was like, "Okay, whatever. I'll just find someone better." He's 18 and she is just starting high school. The girl stockman is Kristen. She seems to like to be by herself and doesn't socialize very much. She doesn't like the cart-pushing job and complains that she's not strong enough, but that doesn't stop her from trying. At some strange turn of events, we ended up pushing our line of carts to the same area and stopped. We just started talking and I found out she doesn't really watch TV, she doesn't like any of the books I like, and I really didn't find anything in common. She moved from Maine 2 months ago. Well, she's cute, I guess (the greeters think she's really cute and wonder why I don't agree with them). Then I heard her yell, "Sweetheart!" and run over to a boy with long hair who looked excited to see her. Well, she has a boyfriend. That's apparent. At least I won't be pressured by the greeters to ask her out.

Mark asked me about her later on and asked me what we were talking about for 40 minutes. I said I didn't remember (because I didn't) and then I said she has a boyfriend and he acted like it was sad news for me. I said it wasn't. I think a rumor is getting spread about me liking her or something. Heh, that's work for you.

One of the 2 cute new cashiers is named Jacque (sp?). Randy was thinking of asking her out and Ruby said she'd talk to her. Ruby then relayed back that she has a boyfriend and a kid, but then told me that she only told Randy that and that she's free. I saw her buying diapers and I asked who they were for. She said they were for her kid who is 6 months. I found out that she lives with only her kid but the father helps out. The other one is Demaris. I've bought something at her checkout a few times and said something like, "Can you sell this to me?", just to be funny, and she gives a weird face like I'm stupid and says, "...Okay." Whenever I'm watching stuff going on and I glance at her, half the time she looks at me. I hate that when you look at someone and they look at you and you both look away. Especially if it happens more than once because then they think you keep looking at them. Oh well.

Carly is back from her vacation and I've been meaning to ask her if she has my memory card at her house since I've looked for it everywhere and hers is the only house I brought it to. I doubt she has it, but I don't want to skip anything that I would regret later. I caught her going to her car and she didn't seem too happy that I was talking to her (of course) but she said she'd ask her brother if he saw it around. Jeez, I never did anything to her.

Lastly, Karen was outside taking her break (she's married to the Jason on overnights, but has been hanging around Mike lately) with Mike and she of course commented on my boots. She says they're hot and I look so cool in them and my spiky hair. She says I'm her best friend, but in a kidding way. Anyway, she said she was trying to hook me up with Christina. Psh, I wouldn't want to go out with her. Anyway, she said Christina said she wouldn't date me because I'm too desperate. Lol, okay, whatever. She said that I asked her out to a movie at the same time I asked her friend out (yeah, I was currently friends with Carly and we went to movies and I had been talking to Christina and just asked if she ever wanted to do something. That was last year). Karen said she'd talk to her (I really don't care as long as she doesn't convince her. This will probably turn into a rumor that I like her, too). Well, the next day, Karen said that Christina said that I don't have enough of a sense of humor. I'm too serious. Karen said she even used the excuse that I'm hot, but Christina won't go for me. Karen agreed that I'm the serious type, though. Well, maybe I am. But I beg to differ about my lack of sense of humor.

previous entry : Scott found next entry: I stood her up
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[claire's html.]

It sounds like you want to or have asked out every single chick at your work. I think you need to relax a little- whateva happens happens :) [Success+Beyond]

^ ditto. Your drama is pretty retarded, in the sense that it's not all that dramatic. [mini-lyricmaniac]

too serious? You're kidding right? Man I can hardly ever get you to be serious!

Some of the people you work with seem really stupid. I hate it when people try to hook two other people up and they don't even care if either of them people wants it or not.Someone oughta spork them. I'm sure Travis and I could arrange to have them sporked to death if you wanted. ^_^

~Kitsuchi [Shinigami no Miko]

Jamie sure told you! kaPOW! So you're a cybering freak, religious boy?! I wonder what Jesus would say about that. He'd probably say something like, "HELLISH ME! I KNOW I TOLD MY BIBLE THUMPERS TO FOLLOW IN MY FOOTSTEPS, AND I KNOW I GOT NAILED, BUT JESUS H. ME! YOU MORON! I DIDN'T MEAN TO GET NAILED BY OVER THE INTERNET!" hahaha [mini-lyricmaniac]



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