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  Rebel Leader  
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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Free food next entry: The world and its greedy people

In addition to last entry... 9/27/2003
I forgot to mention something. While I was talking to Phil, Sandra came up to me and said "hi". I said it back and she asked how I was. I said I was fine, then kept walking with Phil. I knew her since 5th grade, at least, and had a crush on her from 8th grade to our sophomore year, until I found she had a boyfriend from another school, and also someone else came along and I basically gave up on her. She comes into Wal-Mart once in a while and we chat a little. She always seems so happy to see me. She's still with her boyfriend from back then. Anyway, Phil asked me why I didn't stop and talk to her. I said it was because I was talking to him. He was totally confused why I would pass up a "hot chick" to talk to him. He said he wouldn't be offended if I stopped talking to him because of something like that. I said, "Hmm, she did look pretty good today, didn't she?" He agreed quite confidently and said that a hot chick like her wanting to talk to you was more important. I said that the person I'm currently talking to is more important than someone else, no matter how good they look. I don't think he agreed. Oh well.
previous entry : Free food next entry: The world and its greedy people
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:-) sounds like you know who's important, and who really matters :-)...just a passing by noter...nmb if you wish :-)


i have... [xSuicidal_Tendencies]

lol. Sounds like that guy has some issues, ne?

Anywho... I knew you were joking about me avoiding you, I was just playing along... but you probably knew that, huh? lol
Yeah the chat was cool, just didn't accompish much, but we shall try again, ne?
Wow, did you notice all I've ended everything with a question? Weird, ne?

~Kitsuchi [Shinigami no Miko]



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