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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : I'm a taxi driver next entry: My car's not as fast as I thought

Work wasn't so bad 10/3/2003
Kristen was there and wearing a tank top. That's a little different. It wasn't even very warm. She also had her hair in a braid, which is unusual as well. I almost didn't recognize her. She seemed in a pretty good mood and told me to hurry up and clock in so we can use the cart machine. She's scared to use it alone because she ran into a car the first time she used it. I clocked in and found that we have a new system for the clock thing. Now it supposedly won't let you clock in early. We used the cart machine and talked. We talked mostly about her boyfriend and their living arrangements. He lives with his parents and she lives there, too. At first they didn't want them alone at all, but now they've relaxed, though it's out of the question for him to move in with her if she moves somewhere else. The reason they'd still be able to tell him that is because they are paying his way through college. Anyway, he thinks I'm cool and mentions it to her whenever they see me. She said he wants to hang out with me sometime, though he's into drinking and smoking of illegal stuff.

When it was time for her to go, I said I'd walk her to the clock since I had to clock out for lunch. I missed my first break because the time went by so fast. I just took it after my lunch. She said it was sweet that I was walking her back there, though it was half sarcastic. We're always sarcastic to each other. When I first saw her today, I asked, "They haven't fired you yet?" Anyway, I said I was walking with her to make all the guys jealous. She rolled her eyes like she always does and said, "Yeah, I'm just what all the guys are looking for." I said, "Well, I'm no different with the girls. No one here turns their head my way because of my looks." After we clocked out, she asked me to wait for her boyfriend, Todd, with her because he'd most likely want to see me. She was afraid he'd bring his motorcycle because he just got it fixed and he likes the gas mileage on it, but she doesn't like riding it with him because it's cold and windy. He came in a truck and smiled and waved to me. I waved back. He has a little past-shoulder-length hair.

Damaris was there, too. I haven't seen her in a while. She said she really liked the CD "Showbiz" by Muse and she even made a copy for herself, though she forgot to bring mine to give it back. Oh well, I'm in no hurry to get it back.

The worst thing that happened was this lady who was changing her kid in her car. I was gathering carts and the next one had a used diaper in it and the lady was putting her son's pants back on. I waited there because she was almost done and it was in the way of the carts behind it. She looked at me and said, "Go away." So, I just walked around and got the carts that were being blocked by hers and then when I got to hers, she was in the car already and starting to leave with the diaper still in the cart. A trash can wasn't far away. I almost picked up the diaper and threw it at her car. That would have served her right but a lot more would have happened after that, so I didn't. Hehe, it would have been funny, though.

While I was on my last break, these 4 boys about my age came out with a cart of balls that are used in elementary school for dodgeball and stuff. They started playing dodgeball right in front of the store, but stopped because they decided they needed air. It's a good thing they didn't hit any cars.

That's all that happened really. Oh yeah, and I saw Phil and asked him about Scott (Scott is going to work on my car and put in the stronger engine). I kept on calling his house, but he was never home, and recently I called and his mom said he moved out with no phone. Well, Phil said he basically disappeared to everyone besides his family but he told Phil he will be getting a phone and he'll give him the number so Phil will give it to me. I hope it doesn't take long. My aunt found a leather place so she can start my Sephiroth costume and then my Squall jacket. That's all. Bye.

previous entry : I'm a taxi driver next entry: My car's not as fast as I thought
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yay. Mmmm, that's as enthusiastic as I can get right now. I'm all sleepy and it's your fault. See what happens when you write entries instead of chatting, lol. Oh well... its almost 5 am, and Joey has a soccer game tomorrow and I'm supposed to be helping with some sort of work at my Granddaddy's... so maybe I should jet, ne?
~me, duh

That is the grossest thing I've ever heard!
I would've said something to her
And if she didn't do anything about it
I'd pick it up and put it on the hood of the car!
So what if she got pissed?
She was littering which is against the law :o}
[Star Gazer ¤]

you coulda just pointed to it and said "I think you forgot something" but whatever. People shouldn't play dodge-ball in front of a store. What a bunch of dorks. Hope you can find the dude...
There ya go, a note about the entry. Yay! [Shinigami no Miko]

Baka, I meant you coulda pointed to the diaper and told the stupid lady that she forgot something. [Shinigami no Miko]



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