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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : N.E.W.S. next entry: Helping Randy with his computer

Shopping for my jacket 11/10/2003
I had reformatted the C-drive and installed Windows 98, then installed the Windows XP upgrade and put on Photoshop, Quicken, and the printer, like my dad asked. That was the minimum I could have done on the computer before doing anything else.

I went with Aunt Vicki to a store called "Oregon Leather Company", since it's the only place that sells leather around here. Since the jacket she's making me is to be fashioned after Squall Leonhart's from the game Final Fantasy VIII, and his is a type of bomber jacket, we needed heavy leather. We looked through the leather and picked out a good hide. For the fur around the collar, we looked at fox tails, but decided to go to a second-hand store and find a jacket with a furry collar and she'd just take it off that and use the jacket for something else. She told me that a bomber jacket with real leather would cost me around $500 if I bought it already made. She's just charging me for the material. The whole hide of leather was $78.

On the way, her head was hurting (meaning he needs some carbohydrates), so we went to Taco Bell and she got the mexi-nuggets and a bowl of beans. I got the #8, beef, supreme, with mexi-nuggets instead of the taco (basically soft-shell tacos with sour cream). Next door to Taco Bell was St. Vincent dePaul's and we looked around in there for a jacket with fur on the collar. We were about done in the jacket section and going to try another place when I spotted a jacket with the perfect fur. It was the right color and everything. There wasn't a price tag on it, so I proposed that we try to walk out and see if they stop us. Aunt Vicki laughed and said that it's something my uncle, Donny, would say and that I'm definitely part of the family. I told her about the things I would have done differently than the guy on "A Walk to Remember", like in the nice restaurant when he told the girl that she can have anything she wants, I would have added, "Well, except that one" and pointed to a random item. Aunt Vicki laughed at that and agreed that it was definitely in the family humor style. And when he asked if she'd do something for him and she said she'd do anything, and he asked if she'd marry him, I said that I would have asked if she'd do 2 things for me. The first would be to marry me, and afterwards, she'd ask me what the second thing was. I'd say that I could really use a head rub. Now, I've had people tell me that it would ruin the moment greatly, but Aunt Vicki laughed a lot at that and said it wouldn't ruin it at all and it would be funny and it's definitely something that someone in our family would do. I guess I'm just cursed with my family's humor.

At home, my mom said that my dad tried to burn a CD and couldn't since the CD-burner program wasn't installed and he was upset. Well, that wasn't one of the things he said I had to have installed before I went. He later corrected what my mom said and said that he wasn't upset about that, he was upset when he tried to get to mine to use the CD-burner program on mine and found that I had put a password at the entrance of my account. Well, I don't have a CD-burner program on mine currently, anyway, so it wouldn't have helped him.

I had a long discussion about religion with Kelli. I'm not nearly as versed in the bible as my parents are, so a lot of the things she questioned weren't easy to answer. It doesn't sound like she wants to know, though. It really won't do any good to talk about it if she doesn't have any faith and isn't seeking to find what the truth really is. The bible says not to cast your pearls before a swine because it will just trample on them. It's the same sense when you explain a wonderful thing and someone just tries to tear it down. It's not that I'm offended, there's just no point telling about my religion if it's not going to hit home.

I found a PSX ISO file of Megaman X5 and downloaded it. PSX is short for PlayStation and an ISO file is a file containing everything on a CD. I opened it up in the CD-burner program I downloaded and burned it to a CD. It works thanks to my good ol' mod chip in my PS2!

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sounds like the jacket is gunna be cool.

spread the happiness [submerged]

Acctually, I don't have to have faith and want to be religious in order to want to know more about your religion and what you believe. I want to know everything I can know about every religion. I don't want to tear anything down - if it is the truth as you so constantly state, it can't be torn down anyway. I just look at it as logically as possible, and if I see a problem or something...

…doesn’t seem to add up or make sense, I point it out or ask about it. I just want to make sure I understand exactly what it is you believe and why. I didn’t realize that the only point in you discussing your religion with someone was to get them to agree with you and believe your truth. If you don’t want to explain your beliefs to me, just say so.
~Kitsuchi [Shinigami no Miko]

I thought I made this clear, but I guess not... I'm not looking for something to belive or have faith in; I'm not looking for any "right way." I'm just curious as to what different religions belive. I don't want to know about your religion so i can decide if I want to follow it. I don't want to follow it. I just like to know about it, just the information. If you are only explaining it to me...

...because you think I will belive it myself and follow the same religion, you are wasting your time. I don't see why it has to be about wanting faith rather than information. I talk to Jonie and Janea and Mark and all these other people about their religions, and they don't expect me to agree with everything they say. You say I'm trying to tear down waht you belive in, but at the same time you...

...imply that the only reason to have the conversation is if I'm looking to change what I belive. I don't wnat you to change what you belive, I want you to explain to me why you belive it, and in the case of claiming your church is the only right one, I want to know how you can justify that claim. That's all.


Your stance on discussing religion is faulty at best and absurd to say the least. [mini-lyricmaniac]

I'm slowly going back to my old faith
As a Jehovah's Witness, that is
After everything that's happened, I feel that I owe God
He protected me
However, I'm losing faith in this friendship
You haven't replied to either of my e-mails and I believe I know why
Jamie ¤
[Star Gazer ¤]

Don't be a snitty little brat. It's beneath you. I can't very well talk to you when you're not on. Besides, I don't go by what Kelli says. I go by your notes back to her. Like I said, your stance on religion is faulty at best. *smiles* [mini-lyricmaniac]

Hmmmmmmm. The argument: "You can't base anything off what I said to Kelli about religion on just TOD." The response: "Besides, I don't go by what Kelli says. I go by your notes back to her." And the difference is… what exactly? Oh wait, there is no difference! LOL

Who said anything about hanging out? I wasn't planning on "haning out" with Gary - he was supposed to be there to help me divide and deliver the food we collected.
I don't think using a grid to re-draw other people's art in a larger proportion is consdered artistic ability...
Oh well... must sleep now


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