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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : My Thanksgiving next entry: End training

Insane amusement ride 12/1/2003
This is a dream I had last night. I very rarely remember my dreams, but I remembered this one, obviously, and I like telling about them.

I'm hoping there was nothing before this, but this is the first thing I remember. If there was anything before it, it's not important, just normal stuff leading up to this event. I was at an amusement park with my family and we got on this ride that was like the swings ride at the fair, but the things we sat in were larger and were connected by bungee cords to a center pole that had a basketball hoop on it. The ride was like as high up as the Empire State Building. We got foam basketballs, the size of real basketballs and while the ride spun us around, we'd have to shoot them into the basketball hoop. My dad would always make it and I'd usually miss. It was hard to do it while spinning around and since they were connected by bungee cords, sometimes you'd be further away from the pole than others. You only got one ball each time around and I wondered how they got the ones we dropped, especially if the wind was blowing.

I noticed that sometimes other people would get further away from the pole than others due to the way it spun, but then, I was the one who got out further 3 rotations in a row and it was kinda freaky whenever it would happen. Then my bungee cord snapped. My seat thing disappeared. It didn't feel like I was falling, but more like floating in the air as the ground got closer. I first tried to find some water to fall into, but as I neared the blue surface, I realized it was just a blue-colored part of the ground. I saw a big air-filled thing that kids would jump on and wondered if it would break my fall enough. I wasn't close enough, though. It was too late to move anywhere and I fell onto a large tent and broke through it. Under it was some sort of metal structure and I caught hold of one of the bars and bent the whole thing down while I fell and landed safely. Then I woke up at it was 2-something in the morning.

previous entry : My Thanksgiving next entry: End training
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That is a very interesting dream. All of mine are boring. [Roket PoP]

Yea, I'm definitely glad I wasn't in that one
I detest heights!
You just went to bed so I guess I better follow suit
I have work tomorrow, as well
TTYL, Jay-Jay
[Star Gazer ¤]

I wonder what that dream is trying to tell you. Enjoy the ride, toots. [mini-lyricmaniac]

Oh, one last thing. I think it's so cute that you have me blocked. Your first couple activity. *chuckles* [mini-lyricmaniac]

If ya say so, toots. *smiles* [mini-lyricmaniac]



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