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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : At work next entry: What the heck?

LOTR 12/17/2003
Last Wednesday or Thursday, I went and got tickets for "Return of the King" for the 17th (today) at 8. I'm going with Randy. This is gonna be so cool! So anyway, back on Sunday night, we took our family pictures (which took a long time and was annoying while my mom tried to get all 6 of us to look good in a small area) and then I took Andrea to the mall because she wanted to get a LOTR ticket for Ashley. I looked at the last showing for anything and it was Timeline at 11:30. We got to the mall right at 11:34 and there was no one in the ticket booth. We saw a security guy walking toward the booth and someone in the lobby beyond the booths was running back and forth. Andrea and I thought he was running away from the security guy, but then he came and unlocked one of the doors and said that he hadn't seen the guy but that he's glad he was there. He worked there and obviously had called security about something. He sounded worried and almost like he was going to cry, but that may have been because he was running. They both went toward the theaters and we were unable to buy the ticket.

She also wanted me to run her by Wal-Mart to get some fabric for some costume, probably for seeing LOTR with.

Now I'm off work and just finishing this up before I go home. But I'm done writing this now, so bye!

previous entry : At work next entry: What the heck?
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return of the king is amazing
I saw it last night at the midnight showing
it's definitely the best of the three

any movie that sells tickets a week in advance is retarded. it's a movie, not a concert. like you couldn't just wait a few days and go see it without having to buy tickets forever ahead of time. i hate stupid hyped up things like that. i saw the first LOTR and it wasn't that good; it was too long and not that exciting.

Curtis saw the 3rd one at midnight when it came out. He said it sucked basically. But then, his idea of a great movie is Austin Powers or Mr. Bean. I'm going to see it tomorrow (thursday) with my family, or at least that's the plan...

Oh well, ttyl

~Kitsuchi [Shinigami no Miko]

Yes, I know it is technicaslly still long, but it feels short, really short, to me. I haven't relaly gotten the chess set yet. I won't get it till Christmas. I just cheated and sneakily opened it to see the pieces and then taped the box back shut. ^_^

You never emailed me back. ~cries uncontrollably~ Worse yet, you are actually online same time as I am, but you're away. Come back!!

~K [Shinigami no Miko]

Psst, I have a secret
*leans in close to your ear*
I miss my Jay-Jay!
[Star Gazer ¤]

I mailed yours out already
I'm upset 'cause I don't think it came out as well as I had hoped
I still hope you like it, tho
I had my brother in law ship it 2-3 day priority so it'll get there for Christmas
At least, I'm hoping!



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