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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : LOTR next entry: Wrong CD

What the heck? 12/19/2003
After work I headed over to the Gateway Mall and arrived 45 minutes before our movie started. I was hoping I'd see someone of my family there waiting for me to show me where they were sitting. They had my ticket anyway. I walked past the ticket booths and saw Ashley standing in the lobby and leaning against the wall, looking away from me. I walked right up to her and leaned against the wall beside her. I caught her eye and she looked over at me, then realized it was me and was like "Oh my gosh, Jason, I didn't even see you. How long were you standing there?" I said I just went there. She asked if I was in the other car. I said I just got there from work. She was waiting for the rest of my family. So that means they didn't go really early. My aunt, Vicki, was here because she's going to spend Christmas with us, then go back to taking care of Sis. Pat. She didn't have time to work on my Squall jacket at all. I suggested that she could whip it up really quickly and give it to me for Christmas. She said she'd get it done before Christmas, I just have to be patient.

In the theater, we sat in the 2 farthest back rows. I sat by Ben and asked him why they didn't come earlier. He said that he and my dad were there 2 hours early and picked the farthest back rows. I asked my dad why they did that and he said that when they got there, the closer rows had scattered people and the farthest back rows were the only ones with enough empty spots for 10 people (8 in our immediate family, Ashley, and Aunt Vicki). The movie was great, of course. I actually think I liked it better the second time. It almost made me cry. I'm sad that it's over now, though. It's the same as when I finished the 3rd book. I felt an emptiness that there wouldn't be any more.

After the movie, I took Amy home, but still had to cash my check and get money out for my parents. My check for the week this time was $369. I drove to the Selco by Gateway Mall and put my check into the ATM. Then I got a receipt to see how much I had total so I could see how much I could take out for the debts to my parents and Amy. On the screen where it asks me how much I want to take out, I left it and went back to my car (only 5 feet away) and talked with Amy to remember how much I owed. After figuring out how much I needed to get, I saw that it was on the "welcome" screen. I hit some buttons to get it off the demo or screensaver or whatever it was, but it didn't work. I guess it really was the "welcome" screen. I looked around for my card in case I took it out and set it down. I tried putting in my other card and it went in, so that meant my card wasn't still in there. I feared that some bum who waits around that place for things like this to happen came and took some money out and took my card as well. It was midnight after all. My wallet was still on top of the ATM where I left it. I looked all over and in my car in case I put it in there when I went to figure out how much I owed. Amy suggested that it ate my card since I left it in too long. I went and put my card from my other bank in and got it to the same screen and just stood there. It eventually spit my card out. That meant that it spit my other card out and it was somewhere. Being the dork that I am, this thought went through my mind: Some bum who hangs around here for just such an occasion saw me leave the ATM, so he/she sneaked up and grabbed my card and ran off somewhere, perhaps into nearby bushes for the next person to do the same. They're used to people doing that and wondering where their card went, scratch their head, then drive off. Well, they weren't going to get that luxury from me. I shut off my car and locked it up and walked around the bank. When we came back to our car, there was another car behind us. We walked up and I apologized for having my car there. I got it out of the way and told the person what happened. He said it was too bad, but didn't sound sincere at all. I thought he was suspicious, lol. A lady walked by behind some bushes and looked back at me twice. I took the car and drove around the bank once, then Tracy pulled up. I haven't seen her in forever. I told her what happened and she laughed and said that it eats your card for a safety precaution. You have to go the next day and show proof of ID and give them your PIN as well. Amy was all like "see, I told you, Jason!" I said that Tracy and I'd have to do something tomorrow since I had to go right near her house to get my card.

I went home and told my parents that the ATM ate my card. The first thing my dad suggested was someone taking it, lol. I pointed at Amy and said, "Did you hear that!" I went to the computer and tried logging on AIM but it wouldn't go. I tried getting on any website and it just sat there. I looked at my modem and the light that looks like a target was blinking, meaning it wasn't getting a signal from the cable. This has happened once before and there's nothing you can do. It's on the cable company's end, so I just went to bed. My knee's swollen now. I was at the ATM and it was fine, then when I was leaving, it was swollen. My knee does that sometimes for no reason. I think it's called "water on the knee". Oh well, that's life.

previous entry : LOTR next entry: Wrong CD
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Hey I noticed ya live near Gateway..well cause you mentioned it..and I live near there..lol sorry rnadom info [do you like monkeys?]

hehhee...its a small TOD after all... [do you like monkeys?]

Ha! Evil ATMs! I still haven't seen LOTR!!!! I did start reading The Hobbit though, so you can be happy about that.

BTW, technically, we could both play the white side in chess, since we aren't using the same board. On your board, you'd be white and me black, and on mine I'd be white and you black. Problem solved!

now, I must go rest- baby-sitting hyper child later tonight.

~Kitsuc [Shinigami no Miko]

grrrrrrr. It cut off me name!


*shakes head*
Even I know better than that!
My sister has water on the knee
I've seen her in some pretty bad pain before so I understand
Tell Tracy I said hi
I hope I get to talk to you tonite



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