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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : Rare feeling-expressing 2 next entry: A long-time-no-me kinda title

Snow hazards 1/1/2004
It suddenly snowed here. On the day after I got my cool jacket, I was going around and looking for some gloves after work and when I got onto the Delta Highway, the road was really slick and my car just started weaving back and forth. I tried to correct it but it just turned to the left toward the short cement wall down the middle. It wasn't a matter of getting back on the road now as it was to stop before I hit it, so I put on the brakes and the front end almost hit the wall but it turned around and missed it, leaving me facing the exact opposite way I was supposed to, but out of the road. I had to wait for traffic to give me a break before I turned back onto the road. This truck stopped to see if I was alright. I drove really slow the whole way home and I still noticed some parts where I'd be out of control of my car for a split second. I mean, when I'd get out at a store, it was hard not to fall due to the asphault being so slick.

At work the next day, Andrew told me how he was on Beltline and his car just hit ice and lost all traction. He turned off the road and he tried correcting, but he hit the railing, bounced off and hit the other one, bounced off and hit the first one, bounced off and hit the second one, like a pinball machine. He said it stopped on the railing and his back end is all messed up. He said his girlfriend was screaming the whole time.

I got today off since it's New Year's day. I don't get paid for holidays until I've been there for 3 months and I leave the temp agency and just become a full employee. This morning, there was a blanket of snow over everything. It was the most I've seen in a long time. My dad took Jon and Amy to the airport for Jon to go back home. It was snowing on the way and my dad didn't see that there was stopped traffic in the road until he was close. He had to put on his brakes and he almost hit the car in front of him so he swerved out of the way and into the ditch, unable to get out. He called my mom and she was calling towing places for a while. Randy called me and reminded me of our plans to see a movie today. My mom didn't want me to go, but I insisted I'd be fine. I took her cell phone and said that if it got bad, I'd come back home. I had to scrape all this snow off my car. I wore my black zipper pants, a white tank top, and my Squall Jacket. Together with my boots, I had on basically the same outfit as Squall Leonhart, minus the black gloves and hair length.

I drove to the mall, my car occasionally being jerked by snow in the road. At least there wasn't ice covering the road, it was only slush. I got to the mall fine and we got tickets for "Underworld". It was 3:20 and the next showing was 4:55. Without thinking, we went and bought our concessions and went to the theater. Then we realized how early we were, so we had to hang around the mall with our food for an hour and a half. That sucked. We went to Tilt and played DDR, but the pads were messed up because a lot of times, it wouldn't register that we stepped on one unless we did it really hard. We only played once. The movie was cool, of course, because it's a cool movie.

Randy wanted me to take him home since he had walked, so I did. It was dark and raining. When I was heading home from his mom's house, I took the Beltline until the Division Ave. exit like always, and that one has a speed limit of 35. It has 3 turns that are suggested to go at 25, so they are sharp. I was going fine until I came to the last left turn that I noticed too late had more snow/slush than the other turns and my back tire hit it and made my car turn all the way to the left so I was completely sideways. I turned right and my car turned a 180 and was completely sideways facing right, so I turned again and it started spinning. There was no way I could stop it so I hit on my brakes as my car slowly got closer to the chain-link fence that followed the road. My car stopped spinning suddenly and my CD turned off for a second, then back on. The right side of my back end had hit the fence and my car was blocking the road with a car coming, though it wasn't really close. I pulled out and drove the rest of the road until I came to River Road where I turn right, but instead, I pulled into the Dari Mart right there. Looking at my car, I saw that the right side of my bumper was bent away from the car and the plastic covering for my back light was gone. I was next to another car with a guy and 2 girls in it, with another guy looking under his hood. They were looking at my bumper and saying how it looked bad. Nothing was in danger of falling off, so I just drove home. Man, that sucks. I have to drive to work tomorrow, too. My mom said it would probably cost somewhere around $1,000 to fix it, so that could put a damper on my visit to see Jamie, but if it ruins the plans, I'll wait until after I visit her to fix it.

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hmmm, I don't think he's trying a guilt trip - that would be more like "I'm so hurt that you didn't go out with me" rather than what he says which is that I threw away my chance. I think he's just a goofball. He also keeps telling me I should go out with Eddie (he used to say I should go out with Dustin too, but now Dustin is dating Eddie's sister.)

I don't know about the movie. I do know that. [Shinigami no Miko]

..the guys will propably want to watch it in English. You have all 13! I wanna bowwow movie 13! Tapion rules. He's like, the coolest DBZ character after Future Trunks.

I hope I see the LOTR movie soon too. It's annoying that I haven't seen it yet, but I spent all my money on mangas. Ooops. ^_^

~Kitsuchi-kun [Shinigami no Miko]

Where'd you disappear off to, hon?
I hope everything's all right

Look, sweetie!
I finally updated my diary!
Now it's your turn :oP
[Star Gazer ¤]

Tsk. I put the H on the first one, just in case you read it, so you would know it wasn't you. You must remember that I know 4 different people named Jason. Also, haha!
~Kitsuchi-kun [Shinigami no Miko]

Hey, this is a very late RYN. Thanx for being worried about the books. I can't rpomise you 300 situps, and I sure as heck can't promise 50 chin-ups, but I will promise to try hard to improve as much as possible.

ja ne

~kitsuchi [Shinigami no Miko]



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