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  Rebel Leader  
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Problemless with problems
by Rebel Leader
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M
previous entry : A long-time-no-me kinda title next entry: It's not the milk's fault 2

It's not the milk's fault 2/16/2004
*deep breath* Well, hello again. I'm back for a bit from life. Man, is the world a crazy place or what? All different kinds of people. You can never know what to expect. The problem is, everyone, whether they mean to or not, assumes that anyone they come across will handle situations in the same manner that they themselves would. So with that said, everyone puts meaning into anything being said to them according to what they would mean if they had said it. That works great if the other person is exactly like you. Of course, as I said before, there are "all different kinds of people." One specific type I had the displeasure of being in poor favor of will be exposed here. After which I'd hope you share my view that the world is "a crazy place".
This person I speak of is inconsistent in all things of an emotional base, and emotion happens to be the main player in her thoughts/actions. Despite this unfortunate combination, she is a nice and caring person. I first met her on this site, during one of the few times the server was up. I am nice by default, so we got along well. I give joy through compliments, and she enjoyed getting them more than most I've come across. We began conversing through AIM, the program of which the creators should be given a lifetime of lasagna, assuming they have good taste in food. Before long, we had exchanged pictures. Hers were the ones of a victim of many statements indicating a lack of interest for future communication by the other person. My honest, yet gentle, reply was that her looks weren't what I looked for in a girlfriend, but that I wasn't talking to her looks. I cannot imagine why someone's appearance would determine whether something so personality-based as a friendship could be established or not, especially in the situation where one only sees words on a screen or hears a voice in a phone. Nevertheless, the truth rose above the words and that's what she heard: she was not pretty. During most of the time I knew this girl, one of the things she'd never fail to mention was that her reason for wanting to lose weight was purely health-related, though I later realized that health-related meant ego-related. Her ego was almost non-existant. After telling me that she wanted to weigh less for health-purposes, she would complain to my friend that I didn't think she was beautiful, though when talking with me, she would make perfectly clear that she desires not to be told lies for sympathetic purposes. As things progressed and the friendly flirting continued, she included me into the group of males that she has loved more than the others. It was a stirring of special feelings at first, but quickly escalated to mad love as she read my words stating my observation of the beauty of her personality. I retained no feelings beyond friendship-type for her, so when she hinted to me of her wish to begin a romantic relationship, I declined. This was the first injustice I inflicted upon her. Around a week later, she asked me to reconsider, saying to give it a chance with her. I refused yet again.
A this time, I put the limit on myself to wait until marriage before engaging in the only activities that anyone would wait until marriage for. It was a good thing to do, though I did desire to sleep with someone, nevertheless. If we didn't have those feelings, we wouldn't reproduce. My mind does not default to thoughts of this as some people's do, but the desire was still there and the opportunity to please it with someone who wanted the same was tempting. I understand that one could look at it and conclude that I was using her feelings for me to "get some", and that would have been the case, and I would have been at fault, if I was giving her false impressions. To prevent such, I made every effort to assure her that our "cybering" was purely for pleasure and was not influenced by any hidden feelings I had for her. She always indicated that she understood. This was how I led her on, causing her more pain.
As I struggled with my own feelings for another friend who is not sure what she wants and therefore would not admit or deny any feelings for me, I took advantage of my friendship with the the first girl by complaining/venting to her about it. Naturally, wishing to have me as more than a friend, she saw this as an opportunity to gain my heart. In my state of longing for the romantic affection of my other friend, she displayed before me what I was missing from my friend and explained how I would receive that which I seek from her. It was quite logical, actually, and I was convinced to give it a shot. I knew how I felt when I liked someone and they didn't like me back or give me a chance. I decided to give her a chance, give her the happiness she sought, and be treated in a way I've wanted for so long. We both knew I harbored no feelings beyond friendship for her, and we stuck that in the back of our minds. I was determined to cast my own feelings aside and give her the good relationship she had waited for. So she became my girlfriend. She was overjoyed and I was happy I was giving happiness to someone after so many attempts in the past that turned out worse for the individual. We even made plans for my visit to her where we would play out the same fantasies we imagined during our online "cybering". I naturally desired it, she did as well. Where was the harm in that?
Alas, things are rarely consistent. My other friend and I started talking more. My girlfriend began talking with my friend. According to my girlfriend, the other would complain about me behind my back. My friend later brought up how my girlfriend wasn't innocent of this, either. My girlfriend would complain to me about my friend saying bad things about me while being sweet to my face. She claimed my friend would "throw in her face" the fact that I did not love her back. She also said that my friend gloated about me calling her.
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