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  Idec Sdawkminn  
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Problemless with problems
by Idec Sdawkminn
Location: Where angels lose their way...
Age: 22    Sex : M

Crazy job-losing entry 5/1/2004
Hi. I got fired. It was great. Actually it wasn't great, but it was an occurrence. I died of occurrences. Sometimes I spill things. Yes, things are things, aren't they? I'm dead. I will be soon. Sometimes I'm dead, but Kelli brings me back to life. I should just die. I shouldn't die. Kelli would be sad. I can't be selfish like that. I just lost my job and my mom acts like I've been loafing around for months and she's been telling me every day to look for a job. I just lost it yesterday. Give a guy a break. That's what my bossman did. He gave me a break. I'll call my bossman Huh. Huh is a ninja. He's quick, can avoid being seen, and can terminate you on the spot. I wasn't quick enough and he terminated me on the spot. If I was quicker, I'd get to work on time and dodge his attacks. I failed. I failed many times. I failed three and a half times in January, the same in February, six and a half times in March, and five times in April. I only had twelve hit points and he killed me. I killed myself. I wasn't quick enough. occurrences occurred. Occurrence. Occurrence. It's a word, you know. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. I didn't even get to finish my wrap-up. I lost my funny times. Ninja Huh stole them from me. I'll never laugh again. I need my funny times. They were on yellow papers. Marathon needs to hire me. I've learned how to be quicker. I will not be beaten to the attack. My father taught me his tricks. I challenge Marathon. They must not back down. I am ready. I wish Kelli was here to take away all the unfavorable thoughts/emotions/feelings/things. *hugs her* She's a great help to me. Thank you, Kelli.
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