Jason Reed
Upon further thinking...
Well, it seems like that whole gung-ho for church thing was a little soon. It's still something that I'm thinking about and I know it's the best thing, but for the moment it's just my head telling me that and my heart's not in it. Maybe it was just because I wanted a change and was tired of feeling depressed. I'm fine now, just a little bored. What I think I really need is more friends to hang out with. I just need to meet more people. I want to hang out with people besides Laura, no offense to her. Maybe that's what I liked about Ashlea so much. She was someone new and quite a refreshing change. Not that I don't like being around Laura or my family, but just any change from what I've been around for a long time is nice. At work the general mentality isn't my type. I need more people like that. I need a variety of company. I'm not worried about dating anymore. I don't want to think about that. I just want to hang out with people and try out the things they are into. If I don't have enough in common with someone, that just means we have to find new interests together. As long as we enjoy being around each other we can find things we like doing together, even if we don't normally do them on our own. I just need some more excitement in my life. I think I'll take Jonathon up on his frisbee golf offer.

Oh yeah. I saw Hannibal Rising last night. Good movie. I'm not into the whole blood and gore stuff, but he's just really interesting. He's interesting in the same way Sephiroth is. Sephiroth is my favorite villian of all time.

I now still need to see Hannibal and Red Dragon and I'll have seen them all.