Jason Reed
25th anniversary
Man, I love Children of Bodom. Anyway, I skipped out on church today. Meh. I should go. I just really didn't feel like it today. I did go to my parents' 25th anniversary party held at their house, unbeknownst to them. They also had a brand new, larger dining room table set up for them in place of their 20-year-old one. I was late, but I arrived about the same time my parents got home, so it was alright. It wasn't so much as party as it was a "hi, everyone's here, surprise, happy anniversary, let's eat cake and do nothing else" event.

Laura didn't go because her grandma was visiting. However, she saw her grandma earlier and was hanging out with her friends during the party. I left and came back home, saw that Laura still wasn't home, checked stuff online and decided to go see a movie by myself. The only one that looked halfway decent that I hadn't already seen was "Smokin' Aces". It was alright, but I definitely wouldn't buy it. I didn't have time to play DDR first. I wish I did.

It's also noteworthy that during the drive home I got into my really relaxed state of mind. I love it when I get like that. It usually only happens when I'm driving a good ways and it's at night. I remain almost motionless, and stare straight ahead with all my muscles relaxed. My consciousness is mainly on the music and other things like steering are handled without thinking about it. In that state I don't want to stop driving. I don't want any interruptions. I don't want to get where I'm going anytime soon. It's noteworthy that this happened because it hasn't been happening nearly as often lately. It makes me want to go for long walks. It makes me want to write diary entries and I thought of writing this while that was happening. I was also listening to the softer part of Disc 2 of the album "Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence" by Dream Theater, so that may have helped.

Bah, stupid work tomorrow. Oh yeah, that reminds me. I got my federal tax return deposited into my checking account on Friday. It was $412, so that was nice. I also got an unemployment check for $315 for the week we had off on the same day, so that was double nice. We get paid this Thursday. Now I just need to get the form from Michelle to do my state tax return and I'll be set. Well, shower time.