Jason Reed
Ridiculous Country Coach
Or as I call them, Sofa Kingdom. Say that fast. Alright, so since the beginning of the year, I've had vacation time. 3 days to be exact. 3 days off work that I get paid for and can take off any time I want. I can plan them ahead with my boss or I can call in before my shift starts and request a vacation day. I took 2 of them on the 2nd and 3rd of January because I just really didn't feel like coming in. I called in and told the office and they said they'd tell Walkie, my boss's boss, but I'd still have to follow up with my boss the next day I worked so he could get the vacation time paperwork from Walkie and have me sign it and whatnot.

So, on the 4th I came in and told my boss, Jonathon. He asked if I had called in about it and I said I did. So all was good. The company is going through some financial stuff and had to give everyone the next week off. The following Monday I still wasn't ready to come back, so I called in and took my last vacation day. I was feeling kinda sick on Tuesday and slept in, so I called in sick for that. No one was there to answer so I left a message on the answering machine. So far, only one sick day. The vacation days don't count against me. Sick days are 5 points against me and if you have 15 points in a quarter you get written up.

I came in on Wednesday and followed up with Jonathon like the office told me to when I called in. The next day he came to me with the vacation papers for Monday of that week... my 3rd vacation day. I saw that he forgot to give me the paperwork for the first 2 vacation days I took, so I wrote those on the same paper. He also told me that when I called in sick, that day counted as a no-call/no-show because I have to speak to an actual person and can't leave a message. A no-call/no-show is 8 points against me. Great, thanks for letting me know that before, guys. What in the world are answering machines for, then? Why even have them if they aren't considered a reliable means to convey a message? They gave us the next week off again.

The next Monday Jonathon came to me and said that Walkie approved of the last vacation day I took, but not the first 2, because they were so long ago and he didn't wanna bother with them. Jonathon said he didn't know he had to get the paperwork for them if I had called in and so it was a miscommunication that caused me to not get those as vacation days. So, those 2 days now count as unexcused absences and 8 points each. So that's 24 points now, when I should only have 5. Not my fault, so I'm just ignoring the extra points. I only have 5 in my mind, plus I now still had 2 vacation days left.

We only worked 3 days another week. The next week went slow. I came in late twice and Jonathon said that Walkie was really starting to dislike my attendance and I need to watch it. I told him that my attendance was still better than Country Coach's, who took weeks off at a time. He smiled but said that that's not how they see it. So what how they see it? It's still the truth. If you kill someone and someone accuses you, you can say "well, him being dead isn't how I see it" all you want, but it doesn't change it. Besides, I didn't have bad attendance. I was using my vacation days that were my choice to use and Walkie was choosing to make those count against my attendance. He made my attendance bad.

I heard that on Thursday we were going to have to work in another building because they were behind. I hate working over there. Well, Thursday came around and I had stayed up way too late Wednesday night, so I was super tired and decided since I still had 2 vacation days left, I'd take one of them. Well, Monday rolled around and I followed up with it to Jonathon. He told me that Walkie didn't approve of it because he caught wind from some of my co-workers that I wasn't going to come in because I didn't want to work in the other building. What a bunch of bullshit. I never said I wasn't going to come in. I called in because of how I was feeling that morning. I didn't even remember that I was going to have to work in the other building when I called in.

I decided that Walkie was being really immature. So what if that was the reason? Why does he need to agree with my reason for wanting to take a vacation day? Not giving it to me because I didn't want to work in that building won't make me appear in that building. I'm still not there. I'm still at home and not helping out. Being gone while unexcused still has the same effect on the work as being gone on vacation. So why does it matter? He's taking it personally or something. The only difference approving the vacation day does is gives me one less one to use. However, I just smiled at it. I was only taking days off because I still had vacation days to use. If I didn't, I'd have made myself come in to work. However, that just means I still had 2 vacation days to do with what I wanted, and I planned on using them just the same as I had been: for days I don't feel like coming in. That's still my prerogative.

Well, that Monday was last Monday. I went to bible study at my aunt's house, but found out they weren't having it because my aunt was sick. However, I hadn't talked to her in a long time and we had a really long chat about a bunch of things that have been going on recently. I ended up going to bed late and was too tired yesterday morning so I decided to call in with a vacation day. As long as Walkie was going to deny them for stupid reasons and, in effect give me another chance to have a day off paid in the future, I was going to use them. If he didn't want me to take any more days off the smart thing would be to approve of the vacation day so I don't have them to use anymore. Today was the same where I was just all out of energy even though I got enough rest, so I took my last one today. When I called in, I told the office girl that when she reports it to Walkie, to tell him that this has nothing to do with Valentine's Day. I don't even care if I have Valentine's Day off. I just wasn't feeling well and wanted to take a vacation day, so don't deny it for some ridiculous reason.

Well, I just got told by Jeff that he was told by Jonathon that I'm going to be let go at the first of March because of my attendance. Well good fucking riddance. I only have bad attendance because they decided to make it that way. I would have only had 1 no-call/no-show, that was supposed to be a sick day, and 2 late days if they had just approved of my vacation days when I requested them. They brought it on themselves.